  • Development of a new position/ area of expertise to provide the cultural sector specialists with methodological and ICT-related support to include modern technology and available IT solutions to their daily routines. 
  • One of the results of the project is the creation of an educational platform with up-skilling training modules and awareness activities that will be disseminated among the participants and relevant stakeholders to raise the overall awareness of a need for digital competencies among cultural sector employees. 
  • Lot of emphases will be dedicated to creating a wiki space for trainers – culture sector managers – to encourage and disseminate information inside their communities and hands-on instructions on how to introduce their colleagues to interactive online environments; 
  • Adults will be acknowledged also with opportunities for future cooperation upon their completion of the project on the topic of cyber security.
  • Handbook – training format for mentors and cultural sector managers 
  • E-Learning Platform with educational modules for regular cultural sector employees 
  • Progressive web-app (software development) 
  • Cultural sector employees digital competence and post COVID-19 working tools needs analysis in partner countries 
  • Blueprint of Culture Technologist
  • CulTech Day in Estonia;
  • CulTech Day in Lithuania;
  • CulTech Day in Norway;
  • Multiplier Event to introduce a larger audience to the launch of the online course.